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Since 1993, the Friends of Heritage School, through their membership, time, talents, and treasures, have made this Sheboygan Area School District program a remarkable success.  Each year, students from over 50 classes from 25 or more schools are provided a living-history, curriculum-based experience at Heritage School by volunteer Heritage School teachers and volunteer docents.
Many students remember their visit to Heritage School as the place where they gained an awareness and understanding of Sheboygan history.  What a treat to have the opportunity to experience a school day in our authentically restored 1876 building that is on the National Register of Historic Places!


Your $10.00 membership, along with gifts and bequests to the Heritage School Endowment Trust fund, make possible fourth-grade school visits, Summer Games Day program, opportunities for community programming, and computer technology. Friends of Heritage School do make a difference! 


To become a Friend of Heritage School, please complete the membership form and return it along with your $10 donation to:


Friends of Heritage School
Attn: Office of the Superintendent
3330 Stahl Road
Sheboygan, WI  53081


2024-2025 Council

Pat Dinolfo

JoAnn Gadicke

Brenda Gephart

Karen Grace

Holly Hansen-Grotbeck, Coordinator

Patti Holmes

Sue Mrdjenovich
Jim Renzelmann

Karen Rowan-Liesel
Sue Zylman


Advisory Group
Wendy Baackes
Robert Burns
Travis Gross

Jake Konrath
Terry Shircel

Joseph Vollmer


Friends of Heritage School

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